Friday, June 27, 2008

Metaphysical Benefits of Breastfeeding

Metaphysical Benefits of Breastfeeding


By Afiya Orara

We have all heard about the physical benefits of breastfeeding on mother and child. Studies have shown that breastfeeding helps the new mother lose weight, is a natural firm of birth control, helps contract the uterus to pre pregnancy size, allows bonding with the baby. The advantages for the baby are getting the essential nutrients to build a better brain; the baby is also at a lower risk for developing allergies, colds, childhood illnesses, and childhood obesity amongst others.

But what about the metaphysical benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child? In my studies of the chakras, color therapy and other natural healing modalities. I have noticed that there are more benefits to breastfeeding than previously noted, and that the public is aware of. We all know where the breasts are on the woman. Between the breasts, is the area called the breast bone. The breastbone is one of the main energy centers of the human body, known as the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the center from which feelings of love emanate. It is also associated with other virtuous emotions, such as joy, happiness, honesty, respect, compassion, understanding, and generosity, and with loving oneself in a sincere, non-egotistic way. This is also the chakra through which we connect with others whom we love or have affection towards. The color of the heart chakra is green and pink.

When a woman breast feeds her child. The child is feeding off of the aura of the heart chakra (pink and green) of the mother from which he/she was born, and is stimulating the heart chakra of his/her mother. Therefore the child is receiving orally, joy, happiness, honesty, respect, compassion, and understanding etc from the mother combined with the healing colors of the green and pink from the energy of the chakra.


The color pink is soothing. It is used in physical applications for the immune system. It is used to soothe feelings of anger and neglect; it awakens compassion, love, and purity. It is comforting to the emotional energies of the individual. It stimulates the thymus gland, and eases stress upon the immune system.

The color green is balance, growth, soothing. It is used in physical applications for the circulatory, sympathetic nervous system. It is the most predominant color on the planet. It balances our energies; it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion. It has a calming effect. It is soothing to the nervous system. It awakens peace. It balances the autonomic nervous system.

The child therefore receives all of this when breastfeeding. Of course no-one can see these colors with the naked eye unless specifically trained to see auras. If one took an aura photograph or had their aura read, they would see these colors of the heart chakra and some others as well.

When the child is breastfeeding. The child is keeping his/her mother's heart chakra balanced. The heart chakra when balanced causes peacefulness, heart problems are eased, the nervous system is healthy and balanced, and there is growth for the mother. There is also an acupressure point between the breasts on the breast bone known as CV 17. When stimulated, can be treated to ease depression, anxiety and breathing difficulty.

Last but not least, breast feeding also stimulates the crown chakra in the child. The mother's milk is a white. White has color benefits as well, and enhances the healing powers of the heart chakras green and pink colors.


White is related to purification, purity, and amplification. White contains the entire light spectrum. It is strengthening. It is cleansing and purifying to the entire energy system. It awakens greater creativity. It stabilizes the energy system, and amplifies the effects of any other color.

White is also the color of the crown chakra, and is being stimulated by the ingestion of the white colored milk of the mother.

Located above the head, this chakra links individual and universal. The Crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, brain and central nervous system.

The crown chakra is the body's primary co-ordination center. It ensures a connection to universal sources of energy and with the world as a whole. A balanced crown chakra allows for expanded awareness on an emotional level.

These are the reasons why formula will never be as good as breast milk, and why scientists cannot formulate a product that is even close to as good. The nutrients and the metaphysical aspects of breastfeeding can only come from the mother and not from any specialized formula. I hope that those who breastfeed or are thinking about breastfeeding can use this article as a useful tool and will pass it on to their friends


  1. I was so excited when I read this article because it confirmed something that I had already sensed intuitively, that there is not just a passing of nutrients when we breastfeed, but an actual transfer of energy to our baby. This is more evidence to support breastfeeding over bottle feeding, and I hope that more women can become aware of the metaphysical benefits of breastfeeding, not just the physical. I wish that there was more that was written on this subject. If anyone knows of any books or info out there that you can recommend to me, please let me know.

  2. Agreed Alma! I'm so happy I found your blog!
